Tuesday / January 12th / AltFest Screening
Due to the health emergency “in person” screenings at Anthology Film Archives have been cancelled and will be rescheduled when New York City theaters reopen.
In the interim we will be screening films online on Tuesdays at 6:00PM on Facebook .
We are still taking submissions for upcoming quarters!

Mark Padilla & Nelson Varas-Diaz PARTICULAR FRIENDSHIPS (2020. 20 minutes, digital)
Susan entered the convent as a naive young woman. There she established a “particular friendship” that would send her on a path of self discovery. Religion, transgression, sexuality, censorship, love and happiness, become intertwined in this short biographical documentary film. Through Susan, we revisit the importance of being unafraid, at all stages of our lives.6:30PM ALTFEST FIRST SHORT FILM PROGRAM
Monty Wolfe LOOK UP! (2020, 11 minutes, digital)
Em A. Weinstein IN FRANCE MICHELLE IS A MAN’S NAME (2020, 13 minutes, digital)
Zeke Farrow HE LEFT INSTRUCTIONS (2020, 13 minutes, digital)Ced Pakusevskij EMBODIMENT (2020, 15 minutes, digital)7:30PM ALTFEST SECOND SHORT FILM PROGRAMAmy Poux DO NOTHINGS & I’M OKAY (sequel) (2020, 17 minutes, digital)
Ori Ravid MATT (2020, 13 minutes digital)Mark J. Parker FAMILY HISTORY (2020, 17 minutes, digital)8:20PM NEWFILMMAKERS FEATURE FILM PRESENTATION
Shelley Feinerman THE SULLIVANS: THROUGH A BLUE WINDOW (2020, 90 minutes, digital)
In the 1970’s, on Manhattan’s upper west side, there existed a pyscho-sexual therapy group known as the SULLIVANIANS. Saul B. Newton founded the Sullivan Institute in 1957 with his wife, Dr. Jane Pearce based on the basterized theories of Harry Stack Sullivan. ….with the plan of creating a viable alternative to the traditional nuclear family, which they viewed as the root of all social anxiety. Unlike other practicing therapists who worked under a strict code of ethics, there were no such boundaries for the Sullivanians or “the group,” as the members of the Institute and their therapists were known. Characterized as a cult, the Sullivanian Institute advocated sexual relationships between licensed psychologists and their patients.