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Our Spring Season Continues

We had hoped to be back in theaters this Spring, but with the uncertainty about future lockdowns and the hesitancy of audiences to attend live events, we will remain online. Join us on our Facebook page the night of screening.

AltFest Pride Celebration

6:00PM NewFilmmakers First Short Film Program

Joe Mahlon VER-SAILL-CE (USA, 1 minute, digital)
Flora Charlotte Lapategui OLIVE (UK, 5 minutes, digital)
Mel Orpen DON’T LET GO (USA, 10 minutes, digital)
Joshua D. Amar ANACONDA (USA, 13 minutes, digital)
Sassy Mohen HOW TO HACK BIRTH CONTROL (USA, 28 minutes, digital)

7:00PM NewFilmmakers Second Short Film Program

ONE WOMAN (Israel, 5 minutes, digital)
Dylan Grey Martin STRINGS TO THE HEART (USA, 10 minutes, digital)
Nicholas Lennehan CATFISH (USA, 11 minutes, digital)
Gary Beeber EMILY’S DO (USA, 14 minutes, digital)
Patricia Delso Lucas FOR I AM DEAD (Belgium, 19 minutes, digital)
Walid Alhamdy NILF (USA, 20 minutes, digital)

8:30PM NewFilmmakers Feature Presentation

Lenore Malen CIRCE (USA, 31 minutes, digital)
Circe — A live performance, a comedy and improbably spectacle on the streets of Genoa. Shapeshifting Circe meets three Genovese men at The Port. They dérive through the city reading aloud at first from a screenplay by Gary Indiana on dislocation, lost objects, unfamiliar places and then from The Odyssey, Book 10.They encounter scrawled on a wall: Siamo Tutti Fuoriluogo “We are all out of place,”a stark reference to a Genovese migrant community and the crisis of global dislocation. Endlessly astray, farcically confused with a puzzling map they rehearse for the play, Circe, eventually ending up on a mountaintop re-enacting the final scene of animal liberation.

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