Wednesday / September 23rd
Due to the health emergency this screening has been cancelled and will be rescheduled when New York City theaters reopen.
We will be screening films online on Wednesday @ 6PM on Facebook (
Peter Kovacs Rosenbluth THE JEWISH 48’ERS IN THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR (2019, 50 minutes, digital)
The Jewish 48’ers: is the story of revolution failed and redeemed. Freedom Fighters, inspired by the social ideals of the American and French Revolutions to take on the Feudal Monarchies in uprisings across Europe in 1848. While these revolts were crushed and participants hounded, many found refuge and purpose in the United States.7:00PM NEWFILMMAKERS SHORT FILM PROGRAM
Jose Acevedo EAGLE (2020, 9 minutes, digital)
Yuval David ONE ACTOR SHORT (2020, 9 minutes, digital)
Aimee Schaefer THE ISLAND (2020, 13 minutes, digital)
Patricia Montoya WHEN LA RUMOROSA QUIETS (2019, 17 minutes, digital)
Christian Delvalle Caicedo SOMEONE WILL KILL SOMEONE (2020, 25 minutes, digital)