Tuesday / January 24th – February 6th / Online

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Jeremiah Dickey ZERO TRUST: CLOUDS (United States, 4 minutes, digital)
Dan Mecca COCONUT CLUNK (United States, 5 minutes, digital)
Komi Messan Anthony MY GRUMPY GRANDPA (Togo, 7 minutes, digital)


Mickey Triest & Aaron Geva BRACHA (Israel, 13 minutes, digital)
Amie Song TEN MONTHS (United States, 14 minutes, digital)
Kate Phillips POSITIVE (United States, 21 minutes, United States)

Jonathan Mirin & Deanna Fleysher CANARY IN A GOLD MINE (United States, 60 minutes, digital)
Locked down during COVID and desperate to make theatre, writer and performer Jonathan Mirin turns the camera on . . . himself, telling the story of the mysterious symptoms his life and production partner Godeliève began experiencing a decade ago. Increasingly unable to leave the house and take care of their new baby, the couple contends with the growing likelihood that her illness is environmental – and inescapable.


Jim Harkins THE PINCH HITTER (United States, 9 minutes, digital)
Kurt Collins 2 PSYCHOS IN A POD (United States, 18 minutes, digital)
Abbie Krinsky & Nic Crespo NIC CRESPO’ SUPERIOR (United States, 20 minutes, digital)


Kate Surinskaya PARALLELS (United States, 30 minutes, digital)
Diana Arnold & Nick Canfield ON THE TABLE (United States, 33 minutes, digital)

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