Tuesday / November 2nd / Online

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Due to the health emergency “in person” screenings at Anthology Film Archives have been cancelled and will be rescheduled when New York City theaters fully reopen.

In the interim we will be screening films online on Tuesdays at 6:00PM on Facebook .

We are still taking submissions for upcoming quarters!

Election Day

6:00PM NewFilmmakers First Short Film Program

Mohammed Hammad BUBBLE (Egypt, 3 minutes, digital)
Skye Bailey A PEACE OF GOD (USA, 11 minutes, digital)
uca Gardner Olesen DUMMY (USA, 13 minutes, digital)
Yi Chiang Lin AN UNFINISHED FILM (USA, 23 minutes, digital)L
Eric Weeks FROM FEBRUARY THROUGH APRIL (USA, 24 minutes, digital)

7:15PM NewFilmmakers Second Short Film Program

Jeremiah Dickey THE RASHOMON EFFECT (USA, 5 minutes, digital)
Sarah Kamaras & Harry Spitzer THE TWO BEES (USA, 9 minutes, digital)
Timothy Allen Coons & Jonathan Daniel Schenk END TIMES (USA, 28 minutes, digital)

8:15PM NewFilmmakers Feature Presentation

Ricardo Alvarado UNWELCOME ADVANCES (USA, 80 minutes, digital)
Inspired by a true story, performing artist Reinaldo Alvarez (Ricardo Alvarado) breaks away from an abusive relationship, only to find himself in a web of lies and twisted advances by his new neighbor, Carl Irving (Patrick Devaney) in this disturbing psychotic thriller.

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