Tuesday / November 8 – November 21 / Online
Our Fall Season Continues on https://newfilmmakersplus.com/
Yinan Liang PILIPALA (United States, 2 minutes, digital)
Louis Roba BROTHERS (Belgium, 2 minutes, digital)
Allyson Su TANGENT (United States, 3 minutes, digital)
Tyler Anthony Jones & Shelby Louise Kappes CREATURE (United States, 5 minutes, digital)
Brendan Casey DOUBLE TROUBLE (United States, 6 minutes, digital)
Anna CONVERSATIONS WITH A WHALE (Germany 9 minutes, digital)
Shachar Levi, Ben Braiman, Lemmy Michel SHLOSHA TAPUZIM (Israel, 10 minutes, digital)
Michael Covello & Elizabeth Schneider FORGIVE ME (United States, 24 minutes, digital)
Marjan Khatibi A GIRL WHO ASKED WHY (United States, 4 minutes, digital)
Cary Patrick Martin RETRIBUTION’S CHILD (United States, 6 minutes, digital)
Meg Case & Brad Porter MESHES OF THE AFTER (United States, 11 minutes, digital)
Maria Juranic A FEAST THAT NEVER COMES (United States, 17 minutes, digital)
Swaii Jain KITCHEN EVOLUTION (United States, 21 minutes, digital)
Steven Verdugo JOURNEY (United States, 5 minutes, digital)
Katherine Cronyn COLD CALL (United States, 9 minutes, digital)
Justin Guo COALESCENT (United States, 11 minutes, digital)
JanO’Boyle FUNKBOY (United States, 30 minutes, digital)
Tai Campbell SIDELINERS (United Kingdom, 7 minutes, digital)
Michael Dermansky DIANA COMES ALIVE (United States, 7 minutes, digital)
Summer Elizabeth Eldemire HIGHLY FAVORED (Jamaica, 7 minutes, digital)
Eevin Hartsough & Andrew Beguin WHEREVER YOU GO (United States, 12 minutes, digital)
Stefanos Tai WE DON’T DANCE FOR NOTHING (Hong Kong, 86 minutes, digital)
WE DON’T DANCE FOR NOTHING is a Photo-Montage love letter to the Filipina Domestic Workers of Hong Kong. This visual recreation of true memories shared by this community of 400,000 women (millions globally) follows one woman’s plan to run away. Captured on Super-16 amidst the Hong Kong Protests, we blend stills with motion to highlight the passionate Street Dancing of these marginalized women, and touch upon LGBTQ+ themes, issues of Workers’ Rights, and Hong Kong’s changing political landscape.